Aired (January 14, 2017): Linda (Diana Zubiri) opted to work abroad to support her family, leaving her two-year-old son with her cousin. However, the child suffers cruelty, and what's worse, he was scoured with a belt, which led to his death. Cast: Diana Zubiri, Rich Asuncion, Shermaine Santiago, Renz Valerio, Elijah Alejo, Phytos Ramirez, Kiel Rodriguez, Ana Castro, Vince Gamad, Joseph Ison, Jason Brix, Euwenn Mikael Aleta hosted by Ms. Mel Tiangco. Included in the cast of this episode “Justice for the Battered Child - The Linda Cagalitan Story” are Diana Zubiri, Rich Asuncion, Shermaine Santiago, Renz Valerio, Elijah Alejo, Phytos Ramirez, Kiel Rodriguez, Ana Castro, Vince Gamad, Joseph Ison, Jason Brix, and Euwen Michael Aleta. #MPK #Forever