CONFERENCE TRANSCRIPT: I think that Islam and the Islamic religious thought tradition are faced with a serious difficulty in thinking, understanding, accepting and establishing a healthy relationship with the modern world, which consists of modern values, emotions, thoughts and theories related to modern society, modern politics, modern law etc. that have emerged in the modern age, and that it has not adopted a more useful attitude than accusing modernity and defending itself with all the means at its disposal, and has shown great resistance in not adopting one… In my opinion, the fundamental issue arises from the way Islam or the Muslim tradition thinks about the relationship between God and man. The understanding of God in the Islamic religious thought tradition is, in my opinion, too high, while its conception of man is too weak, impoverished and pessimistic. There is no other way to bring this imbalance to a reasonable balance in one way or another, to adopt a new understanding that gives more importance and value to humans, trusts their abilities more, and believes that they can perform higher emotions, thoughts, and actions with the characteristics granted to them by God. This understanding will bring humans and their positive characteristics, namely their common sense, intelligence, virtue, intuition, and conscience, to the forefront more; it will confirm freedom, individuality, and responsibility more, and it will consider investing more in these. Frankly, I don’t know, if this path can be taken, even if something can be done in this direction, can pre-modern religions, including Islam, have a serious chance of survival in the future? I don’t know… If we intend to make such a change, I don’t see any other way to start working on this issue than to set aside all the old attitudes and thoughts we have adopted so far, which I don’t see being of any use. Thank you.