Missingno, the Mew Glitch or Glitch City. The first Pokemon generation has a lot of glitches that became very popular many years ago. In this video I will introduce you to all the relevant glitches of the first Pokemon generation (Pokemon Red Blue Yellow) and give you instructions on how to recreate these glitches. DITTO GLITCH: The special value of one of your Pokemon (no matter which one) must match the following values: Special Value - Desired Pokemon 1- Rhydon 2- Kangaskhan 3- Nidoran(m) 4- Clefairy 5- Ibitak 6- Voltorb 7- Nidoking 8- Slowbro 9- Ivysaur 10- Exeggutor 11- Lickitung 12- Owei 13- Sludge 14- Gengar 15- Nidoran(f) 16- Nidoqueen 17- Cubone 18- Rhyhorn 19- Lapras 20- Arcanine 21- Mew 22- Gyarados 23- Shells 24- Tentacruel 25- Nebula 26- Scyther 27- Blastoise 29- Pinsir 30- Tangela 33- Growlithe 34- Onix 35- Habitak 36- Taubsi 37- Flegmon 38- Kadabra 39- Georok 40- Chaneira 41- Maschok 42- Pantimos 43- Kicklee 44- Nockchan 45- Arbok 46- Parasek 47- Enton 48- Traumato 49- Geowaz 51- Magmar 52- Menki 53- Elektek 54- Magneton 55- Smogon 56- Jurob 59- Digda 60- Tauros 64- Porenta 65- Bluzuk 66- Dragoran 70- Dodu 71- Quapsel 72- Rosanna 73- Lavados 74- Arktos 75- Zapdos 76- Ditto 77- Meowth 78- Krabby 82- Vulpix 83- Vulnona 84- Pikachu 85- Raichu 88- Dratini 89- Dragonair 90- Kabuto 91- Kabutops 92- Seeper 93- Seejong 96- Sandan 97- Sandamer 98- Amonitas 99- Amoroso 100- Jigglypuff 101- Wigglytuff 102- Eevee 103- Flamara 104- Blitza 105- Aquana 106- Machollo 107- Zubat 108- Rettan 109- Paras 110- Quaputzi 111- Quappo 112- Hornliu 113- Kokuna 114- Bibor 116- Dodri 117- Rasaff 118- Digdri 119- Omot 120- Jugong 123- Caterpillar 124- Safcon 125- Smettbo 126- Machomei 128- Entoron 129- Hypno 130- Golbat 131- Mewtwo 132- Snorlax 133- Magikarp 136- Sleimok 138- Kingler 139- Austos 141- Elektrobal 142- Pixi 143- Smogmog 144- Snobilikat 145- Knogga 147- Alpollo 148- Abra 149- Simsala 150- Tauboga 151- Tauboss 152- Starmie 153- Bulbasaur 154- Bisaflor 155- Tentoxa 157- Goldini 158- Golking 163- Ponyta 164- Gallopa 165- Rattfratz 166- Rattikarl 167- Nidorino 168- Nidorina 169- Kleinstein 170- Porygon 171- Aerodactyl 173- Magneton 176- Charmander 177- Schiggy 178- Glutexo 179- Schillok 180- Charizard 185- Myrapla 186- Duflor 187- Giflor 188- Knofensa 189- Ultrigaria 190- Sarzenia