Gus Miek, or Hamim Tohari Djazuli, is a cleric who has the charisma of a saint and is known as the founder of the dhikr practices of Jamaah Mujahadah Lailiyah, Dzikrul Ghofilin, and Sema'an Jantiko Mantab. Here are some interesting facts about Gus Miek: Childhood and Early Education: Gus Miek was born in Kediri on August 17, 1940 to the couple KH. Ahmad Djazuli Usman and Nyai Rodliyah. Since childhood, he had a melodious and fluent voice when reading the Quran. Although quiet and likes to be alone, he has extraordinary spiritual talent. Gus Miek initially received his education at the People's School (SR), but did not graduate because he often played truant. Gus Miek's mother guided him in deepening his religious knowledge, especially reading the Quran. His father, KH. Ahmad Djazuli Usman, taught books such as Shahih Bukhari, Shahih Muslim, and Tafsir Jalalain. Spiritual Journey and Preaching: Although he came from a pesantren family, Gus Miek spent most of his life outside the walls of the pesantren to practice his knowledge and preach. He is believed to be a wali or lover of Allah because he has many charisma or advantages that are difficult to reach by reason. Gus Miek has an important role in developing the practice of dhikr and spirituality among the Jamaah Mujahadah Lailiyah and Dzikrul Ghofilin. for more, let's watch the video and don't forget to comment, like and share it. so that you don't misunderstand, watch until the end. hopefully useful. #gusmiek #jantikomantab #dzikrulghofilin #waliallah #walisongo