If your refrigerator does not turn off and is constantly running, then you should definitely contact a technician, normal operation of the refrigerator is 50 to 50, i.e. 30 minutes on, the same amount of time rests +-30-50% depending on the outside temperature and the load of the refrigerator, i.e. if the refrigerator works for 2-3 hours without stopping, this is a sign of trouble, but when first turned on, it can gain cold for up to 20-30 hours, depending on the model and its performance. Spare parts and tools here https://texnomag.ru/ Firmware here https://bineep.ru/ Courses for repair technicians here https://alexragulin.ru/ Forum and questions for answers here https://sw19.ru/ Selection of spare parts by module here https://partservis.ru/ Articles on repair here https://programmator.net/ Database of technicians https://onpencil.ru/