Hit subscribe and the bell for great Tolkienian content every week! Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: /nerdoftherings NOTR merch: https://nerdoftherings.creator-spring... Voiceover recorded and edited by ▶ Santiago Rodriguez Lira http://santiavo.com To purchase the artwork, check out these amazing artists! Anna Podedworna - https://www.artstation.com/akreon Jenny Dolfen - goldseven.wordpress.com/ Turner Mohan - www.instagram.com/turner_mohan Ted Nasmith - www.tednasmith.com/shop/ Anke Eissmann - http://anke.edoras-art.de/anke_illust... Donato Giancola - https://www.donatoarts.com/online-sto... Aronja Art - / aronjaart Ivan Cavini - / ivan_cavini Sara Morello - https://www.artstation.com/saramorello Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura Sauron - Jerry Vanderstelt Sauron at Barad-dur - Shadow of War Sauron - Anna Podedworna (thumbnail) Sauron - WETA Sauron - Shadow of War At the Cracks of Doom - Ted Nasmith Frodo and Sam in Mordor - Andrea Piparo Sauron - WETA Sauron - Guardians of Middle-earth Battle of the Black Gate - Ted Nasmith The Eagle's Song - Anke Eissmann Nazgul Charge - Felix Englund Battle of Dale - WETA Eye of Sauron - John Howe Battle of Dale - WETA Dol Guldur - WETA Sauron - Guardians of Middle-earth Angband - Skullb*st*rd Battle of Pelennor Fields - Aegeri Sauron - Shadow of War Sauron - WETA Galadriel - Catherine Karina Chmiel Halfelven - Donato Giancola Morgoth - CK Goksoy Minas Tirith - Ralph Damiani Lothlorien - Ralph Damiani Rivendell - Ralph Damiani Gray Havens - Ralph Damiani Sauron - Alan Lee Carn Dum - Skullb*st*rd Orthanc - Ralph Damiani Fortress - Felix Englund The Mouth of Sauron - John Howe The Mouth of Sauron - John Howe Mouth of Sauron - Guardians of Middle-earth Nazgul Bowing Before Sauron - Kip Rasmussen Sauron - Janka Lateckova Barad-dur - Shadow of War Saruman - John Howe The Voice of Isengard - Matthew Stewart Sauron - Tom Romain (for Lore of the Rings YouTube channel) Luthien in the Court of Morgoth - Pete Amachree Sauron the Deceiver - Skullb*st*rd Spirit of Sauron - Skullb*st*rd The Shadow of Sauron - Ted Nasmith Morgoth - CK Goksoy Morgoth the Vala - Skullb*st*rd The Shores of Valinor - Ted Nasmith Eru Iluvatar - Janka Lateckova Music of the Gods - Kip Rasmussen Wanderer - CK Goksoy Radagast the Brown - Ralph Damiani Alatar and Pallando - Ralph Damiani Alatar and Pallando 2 - Ralph Damiani Sam and Frodo in Emyn Muil - Ted Nasmith Mount Doom - Alan Lee Samwise Gamgee - Matthew Stewart #lordoftherings #aragorn #tolkien