The Marvel vs. Capcom series is one of the most popular fighting games in the world, especially in the United States. This video unravels the entire history of the Marvel vs Capcom series, explaining everything that's going on behind the scenes from each series. [Other videos] • [Complete Collector's Edition] The evolutionary history of Iori Yagami in KOF, who is so crazy he's like a middle-schooler • [Street Fighter] 5 broken characters that even the official website acknowledges • [Complete Collector's Edition] The complete history of Chun-Li, who is almost officially cheating • [Complete Collector's Edition] The evolutionary history of Ryu, who will bring you to tears with nostalgia • [Latest Edition] Street Fighter's TOP 20 most popular female characters • [Complete Collector's Edition] The evolutionary history that reveals everything about Mai Shiranui • [Complete Collector's Edition] The evolutionary history of the extremely powerful Gouki • [Complete Collector's Edition] The evolutionary history of Cammy, who went from being the weakest to being the strongest • [Complete Collector's Edition] The evolutionary history of Guile, who was completely broken by a factor of 100 • [Latest Edition] The TOP 20 most popular female characters in all of KOF • [KOF] 7 broken characters with unbelievable cheat abilities • [Complete Collector's Edition] The evolutionary history of Terry Bogard, whose hero bonus is too extreme • [Complete Collector's Edition] The history of K', with its overflowing chuunibyou aura that's just too good • [Complete Collector's Edition] The history of Fatal Fury, a pioneer in the fighting game world that has been around for over 30 years • [Complete Collector's Edition] The history of Zangief, the original throwing character that everyone recognizes • [Complete Collector's Edition] The history of the lovable Dan, who was called the weakest in history • [Complete Collector's Edition] The history of Juri, who ushered in a new era for the series • [Street Fighter 6] Complete coverage of various abilities, character backgrounds, and stories! • [Complete collector's edition] The history of Ken, the man who rose from extremely miserable treatment to the position of the strongest • [Latest edition] Top 5 ranking of the most powerful Street Fighter characters in Street Fighter 6 • [Street Fighter 6] We can't contain our excitement over the miracle that Umehara performed in the CR Cup finals • [Complete collector's edition] The revenge of the unfortunate character who was always compared to Guile • [Complete commentary] Learn everything you need to know about the history of Street Fighter in this one game -------------------------------- [Video URL] • The Punisher (Arcade) Playthrough - N... • X-Men (Arcade) Playthrough - Nintendo... • How to use and play X-Men hidden character Akuma CHILD... • Marvel Super Heroes Play with the strongest hidden character Anita! • Marvel VS Capcom 2 - Servbot/Roll/Meg... • Marvel VS Capcom 2 - Wolverine/Cable/... • Marvel VS Capcom 2 - Sentinel/Juggern... • Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Phoenix Spotlight • MvCI: Combos -------------------- 【BGM in the video】 (nons works) https://www.youtube.com/@nonsworks/fe... (Thomas Omori Music Studio) / freemusicthomasoomori