The Korps Commandotroepen is one of the elite corps of Defense. This part of the Army carries out special missions, often under extreme conditions. This places high demands on the physical and mental condition. Are you tough enough to be part of the commandos? Let us know in the comments! SUBSCRIBE NOW TO OUR CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/ABONNEERWerkenBijDefensie CLICK here for the PREVIOUS VIDEO: http://bit.ly/TaskForce55 For more information, we refer you to https://werkenbijdefensie.nl/ Also follow us on SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: http://bit.ly/FACEBOOKWerkenBijDefensie Instagram: https://wbdef.nl/INSTAWerkenBijDefensie Twitter: http://bit.ly/TWITTERWerkenBijDefensie Snapchat: http://bit.ly/SNAPWerkenBijDefensie