The Coburgs - The story of probably the most European family on the continent The Coburgs (2017) Director: Julia Melchior Genre: Documentary, History, Biography Language: German Release date: June 13, 2017 (Germany) Plot: The Dukes of Coburg seemed doomed to insignificance. Through clever marriage politics, they achieved a meteoric rise to become the most important dynasty of their time in the 19th century. They founded the royal houses of Belgium and Bulgaria, ruled in England and Portugal, and married into palaces across Europe. In her new film, royal family expert Julia Melchior explores the European family network of the Coburgs. Bulgaria's ex-King Simeon receives her in his residence in Sofia. In Belgium, the royal family opens the palace doors, and in Great Britain she sets out to search for the Coburg roots of the British royal family. Rich in anecdotes and with powerful images, the film uses selected biographies to tell the story of probably the most European family on the continent. SUPPORT US! ✘ Become a member - https://bit.ly/3GQ2R9y Films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to: info[at]amogo.de, Amogo Networx - The AVOD Channel Network, www.amogo-networx.com.