It alone has 2/3 of the world's bauxite reserves, it also has the largest iron deposit in the world. Its subsoil is certainly one of the richest in the world and yet more than 44% of its population lives on less than a dollar a day. It is ranked 178th out of 189 countries in terms of development index. Who really benefits from Guinea's immense wealth? How can we put an end to this open-air plundering often done in complicity with the local elite? Directed by: Sébastien Faye Written by Alain Foka #Guinea #Conakry #Mines #Doumbouya #Bauxite #Iron #Gold My official social networks Twitter: / alainfoka2005 Instagram: / alainfoka2005 Facebook: / alainfoka2005 Linkedin: / alain-foka-%e2%9c%85-a34884229