'Little Gentlemen' is the sequel to 'Little Women' and is a story that unfolds against the backdrop of a small school started by Jo, the second daughter of the March family, and her husband, Professor Bauer. Please look forward to the story of boys with different backgrounds and personalities learning and growing together. 00:00 Little Men 1: A New Boy Arrives 07:57 Little Men 2: A Book and a Tour 15:39 Little Men 3: Fun for Daisy Little Fox has been publishing a variety of English fairy tales every day since 2000 to ensure that children do not lose interest in English. These educational fairy tales are written by local American authors and dubbed directly by native speakers with experience in musicals and animations from New York, USA. You can learn systematic English sentences naturally and enjoyably through situations. ▶Little Fox Official Website https://www.littlefox.co.kr