A war is raging on social networks over who can interpret contrails in the sky. There are people who believe that what the average person knows as contrails is actually something completely different: toxic chemicals that are sprayed over our heads. There are countless sites on the Internet that propagate this "theory" and present supposed evidence. In this report, Ben questions five such pieces of evidence. Flugrevue website: http://www.flugrevue.de/ Tagesschau.de: Vaccination of clouds: http://wetter.tagesschau.de/wetterthe... BR: The hailstorm pilots of Rosenheim http://www.br.de/themen/wissen/wetter... Karsten Schwanke's website: http://schwanke.tv/ A little cloud science: https://content.meteoblue.com/de/mete... Sebastian Bartoschek's website: http://www.sebastian-bartoschek.de/ WDR5: Conspiracy theories on the internet: http://www.wdr5.de/sendungen/neugierg... YouTube: Sebastian Bartoschek - The psychology of conspiracy theories: • Sebastian Bartoschek, DA, The psychology... Kiel Earth Institute: Debate about climate engineering: http://www.bmbf.de/pubRD/CE_Studie201... Federal Environment Agency: Climate/Geo-Engineering: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/... BR: Weather manipulation against climate change? http://www.br.de/themen/wissen/geoeng... Tumblr: List of all evidence for the existence of chemtrails: / chemtrailbeweise Chemtrail pages (handle with care): blauerhimmel.info: http://www.donotlink.com/fdin sauberer-himmel.de: http://www.donotlink.com/fdiq ------------------------------------------------------------- Ben's channel: / soundsogesehen ------------------------------------------------------------- You can also find us here: Twitter: / reporter Facebook: / reporter.offiziell