The AI revolution has begun! Millions of users are already using programs like ChatGPT to have texts written or to find solutions. Artificial intelligence will fundamentally change the way we learn and the school system - but in what way? Is AI perhaps the complete solution for all pupils and students? ChatGPT can at least solve almost all homework and even write complete term papers. And all this without being able to easily prove that the text came from artificial intelligence. How should schools and universities deal with it in the future if pupils let AI do their homework? We take a closer look at whether and how texts from artificial intelligence can be discovered and, above all, how "good" what ChatGPT spits out is. AI tools like ChatGPT are designed to process large amounts of data and provide natural-looking answers to human questions. The system can also respond to inquiries and thus provide each user with exactly what they need. But AI is not intelligence in the classic sense. ChatGPT doesn't really "know" what it is writing. In the end, he "only" delivers a collection of words that he has selected based on probability. Artificial intelligence will nevertheless have a major impact on society and education. In this episode, we talk to experts and look at the potential and dangers of AI and which skills will be important for learners and teachers in the future. // Our chapters 00:00 - Big hype about ChatGPT 02:12 - How can Chat-GPT help me learn 05:30 - How great is the risk of me being caught? 06:45 - How convincing is the result? 09:51 - How will Chat-GPT shake up teaching? 13:35 - And now? Authors: Annika Franck, Monika Sax Realization: Katrin Krieft Camera & Editing: Annalena Schumacher Graphics: Arne Kulf Editor: Markus Schall // Our sources [1] Statista statistics portal on the reach development of various online services https://bit.ly/3EeEfX6 [2] Explanation of how to train large language models using human feedback https://bit.ly/411Oqbg [3] Explanation by Open-AI of how ChatGPT was trained https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ [4] Survey on ChatGPT awareness and user behavior (Feb. 2023) https://bit.ly/3K9Q9Wa [5] Testing tools for AI texts https://openai.com/blog/new-ai-classi... https://detectgpt.com https://sapling.ai/utilities/ai-conte... [6] Article about ChatGPT success in law school exams https://whr.tn/3YEUcxV https://bit.ly/3XG9QrH [7] ChatGPT hallucinates when asked about crossing the English Channel https://bit.ly/3lI22bI https://bit.ly/3EbbsTd [8] ChatGPT-generated texts were incorrect despite editing https://cnet.co/3I4IYvP https://bit.ly/3k3kj2C [9] ChatGPT gives nonsensical recommendation because common sense is missing https://bit.ly/3EfpOlO [10] Ban on ChatGPT in New York schools https://bit.ly/3k3kUBo Science bans ChatGPT texts https://bit.ly/3lzkD9E General sources on ChatGPT Background discussions with: Michael Horstmann, Philologists' Association NRW Prof. Martin Korte, neurobiologist at the University of Braunschweig Yvonne Lütten, Philologists' Association NRW, teacher training Prof. Doris Weßels, Kiel University of Applied Sciences Annotated link list for ChatGPT in the university context https://bit.ly/3SaJ6hN Guide for teachers on dealing with media in the teaching area of the Heidelberg University of Education https://bit.ly/3lBUAi5 Ethical and social risks of harm from Language Models https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04359 How good is ChatGPT? Language models are few-shot learners https://bit.ly/3IxnGZ4 Can ChatGPT be a law student? https://bit.ly/3YEELps Artificial intelligence as a supporting learning technology https://bit.ly/3KgdrJZ Background discussion with Prof. Doris Weßels, business information technology specialist at Kiel University of Applied Sciences at “Neugier genügt” on WDR Quarks Radio https://bit.ly/3YWdbnp More on the topic Dimension Ralph - Is artificial intelligence superior to us? • Is artificial intelligence superior to us... Thanks for watching! Did you like the video? Then subscribe now to our official Quarks channel on YouTube: / quarks Also visit: https://www.quarks.de #Quarks on Instagram: / quarks.de / beautyquarks #chatgpt #artificial intelligence #quarks