Jesus taught His disciples godly humility in their final moments together as they walked to the Mount of Olives, shortly before His arrest and crucifixion: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. (…) He who abides in Me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:1, 5.) Message delivered during the Paz Woman 2022 conference Paz Church São Paulo is a family church that loves God and loves you! I decide to give my life to Jesus: https://paz.church/jesus To support our church and help us reach more people around the world, click here: https://paz.church/saopaulo/contribute I need prayer: https://paz.church/saopaulo/oracao/ I want a Life Group: https://paz.church/saopaulo/lifegroups/ I want to be a volunteer: https://paz.church/voluntario/ ------ Connect with us Website: https://paz.church/saopaulo/ Online services: https://pazchurch.tv Youtube: / pazsaopaulo Facebook: / pazsaopaulo Instagram: / pazsaopaulo Twitter: / pazsaopaulo Telegram Channel: https://t.me/pazsaopaulo #PazChurch #PazSaoPaulo #CultoOnline #PazOnline #AbeHuber #Igreja