Synopsis The war between cartels on the Tamaulipas border with Texas is more complicated than ever, and now a new generation that has no respect for the law, but in the city there is only one boss, the chaca del palmar, who intends to return balance and order no matter what the cost. El Jaliciense productions. With the participation of Bernabe Melendrez, Jorge Aldama, John Solis and Reynaldo Huerta. © 2021 De Película y Más. All rights reserved. This is a feature film, dramatization and stunts were performed by professionals in a safe environment using movie prop weapons and makeup. All characters in this film are factious, any resembles a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. We do not promote violence, the purpose of the film is purely for entertainment. No person or animals were harmed in the making of this feature film. This is a feature film, the filming of this fictional material was carried out by professionals using weapons, props and makeup. All characters in this film are fictional, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. We do not promote violence, the purpose of this film is merely for entertainment. #DePeliculayMas #PeliculasAccion #PeliculasDeAccion #PeliculasMexicanasFull #PeliculasCompletasEnEspanol #PeliculasNarcos #PeliculasdeNarcos #NarcoMovies #PeliculasDeBalazos #PeliculasCorridos #PeliculasMexicanas #CineMexicano #CineLatino