???? All about the nobility • SARMAT ???? given by https://ko-fi.com/budzma ???? super thanks, sponsorship / thebudzma ❓ The Pyatigorsk are cavalry in the army of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, between heavy hussars and light Cossacks. Its bones were once made by natives of the Caucasus, the same Circassians. What did they look like? Did they get nobility? What names and surnames did they have? Did the Ruthenians, Lithuanians, and Tarars serve in the Pytyogorets? How did the memory of ties with the Caucasus "shoot" already in the 19th century, when Russia committed genocide against the mountaineers? #Sarmat – we talk about noble culture in its various aspects: how our noble ancestors lived, what they lived for, what they thought and dreamed about. Host Vasil Kalach is an actor, director, and teacher of historical fencing. Author of the idea, script: Ales Kirkevich Host: Vasil Kalach / enriquedesalvaje ________________________________________ ❓Pyatigortsi - cavalry in the army of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, between heavy hussars and light Cossacks. His bones were once composed of people from the Caucasus, those same Circassians. How did they look? Did they get nobility? What names and surnames did they have? Did Ruthenians, Lithuanians and Tatars serve in Pyatigorsk? How did the memory of ties with the Caucasus in the 19th century "shoot out" when Russia committed genocide against the mountaineers? Having understood the way of life of the nobility, we will be able to answer the questions: who were these people and what guided them when making historical decisions. #Sarmat – we are talking about noble culture in its various aspects: how they lived, what they lived for, what our noble ancestors thought and dreamed about. Host Vasyl Kalach is an actor, director and teacher of historical fencing. #будзмабеларусами #гистория #беларусь #шляхта #черкесы #пятигорцы #гисториябеларуси #войска #вкл BUDS TOGETHER: Website https://budzma.org Telegram https://t.me/budzmaorg Facebook / budzmabelarusami Instagram / budzma Х / budzma TikTok / budzma_razam