Aired: from September 30 to December 23, 1995. Episodes: 13 + 1 special (total: 109–121 + 9 specials). Network: Canale 5. Hosted by Corrado with Miriana Trevisan. Director: Stefano Vicario. Authors: Corima, Marina Donato, Stefano Jurgens, Antonio Miglietta. Musical direction: the great, unique and inimitable, Roberto Pregadio. Choreography: Lucia Parise. First dancers: Manolo Casalino, Mia Molinari. After a season of hiatus, the program returns with its ninth edition, broadcast in the prestigious autumn Saturday night slot, challenging the Rai 1 show Scommetto che...?. For the first time, a Mediaset Saturday night show surpasses in ratings (an average of about 9 million viewers) the Rai variety show competing with the Italian Lottery. Alongside Corrado, Miriana Trevisan arrives in the role of assistant and Mia Molinari in that of first dancer. The cast also includes the principal dancer Manolo Casalino, already present in the ballet corps in the past seasons and future choreographer of the show, and the singing trio composed of Deborah Johnson, Cinzia Colantonio and Sabrina Negri, who in each episode perform a medley of successful songs. The game with the audience at home is called Che faccia ha? and consists of guessing the profession of a person starting from his face. On December 30, 1995, a special episode was made, entitled C'è ancora La Corrida, with the best and worst moments of the ninth edition.