An event that happened only a few hours after the 1957 revolution; An extremely strange and scary story called the attack on Savak Rasht! #ساواک_رشت #نگلاب #تاریخ Welcome to your channel. We at Tunnel Zaman are trying to portray historical images and topics of Iran for you. Your comments and support will improve our performance. All the content of this work belongs to the Tunnel of Time channel and any Copying will face legal action from our side. Many thanks to Tunnel Zaman. You can become a member of the channel from the following link https://www.youtube.com/tunnelzaman?s... To see related videos, you can click on the following links: Qanat; The revolutionary and dangerous gang that entered the body of the Islamic Republic with 60 cases of murder and crime! • Aqueduct; A revolutionary and dangerous gang that is with 60 university students; The tragedy that forced Khamenei to retreat! • Koi University; The tragedy that Khamenei r... Was the order to set fire to the Rex cinema issued from Najaf? The disaster that swallowed the first child of the revolution... • Was the order to set fire to Rex Cinema from Najaf...