Video summary. The wooden bridge fell when I took the closest path, check it out guys. I went to get a load of logs in the double trailer. Controller👇 Dazz Mods steering wheel used in the video👇 RBR Map https://maparbr.com.br/ Scania S 750 65anos https://modsfg.com.br/ Bus traffic https://modshop.com.br/ Realistic traffic jazzycat v5.2.7 https://allmods.net/euro-truck-simula... Motorcycle traffic https://modshost.co /ets2/traffic/motorcycle-traffic-pack-by-jazzycat/ MJ Custom 3D Wheel Pack https://mjcustom.com.br/loja/pack-de-... Realistc Brutal Graphics And Weather https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Real Density https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Scania R620 Quality3D https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Realistic rain https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Icons realistic https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Sound fixes https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Realistic physics https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Voice command https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile... Note: I will play this game to have fun, to make you enjoy the gameplay, and not to show or prove that I am good, or bad, just to have fun playing. #ets2 #viagem #g71800dd #pralphagamer #g81800dd #visstabussdd #comilinvictusdd #scania My PC👇 ✔️ Infoway ST-4280 ✔️ Intel core i5 6400 ✔️ 16GB RAM ✔️ Geoforce - GTX 1660 super 6GB DDR6 ✔️ HD 1tb, 500GB ✔️ SSD 250GB ✔️ Windows 10