Subscribe to the channel! To learn more, visit: http://umbrasil.com Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @CanalUMBRASIL Economist, philosopher and writer, Eduardo Giannetti is one of the most prominent Brazilian thinkers of today. In an interview with UM BRASIL, he reflects on the size of the Brazilian State, the taxation model concentrated in Brasília, the 30 years of the Constitution, the fight against corruption and the prospects for a renewal of our politics. Giannetti also comments on some of the main themes of his latest book – “Trópicos Utópicos” – and proposes that Brazil can become an alternative “to the multiple failure of the Western model”. © FecomercioSP 2018. All property rights related to the content of this work are the exclusive property of FECOMERCIO-SP, under Law No. 9.610/98 and other legal provisions applicable to the subject. Total or partial reproduction is prohibited without authorization. The opinions expressed in this channel do not necessarily reflect the position of FecomercioSP.