We continue our cultural reviews. And today, on the day of Red October, we would like to discuss the events of "Black October" of 1993. For analysis, we took the novel "1993" by Sergei Shargunov and the film of the same name, directed by Alexander Veledinsky. We are interested not only in the artistic merits of works of art, but also in their sociological deconstruction in a social context. After all, it is not even important "what the author wanted to say", but what was said by him, even if unintentionally, simply as a result of a truthful reproduction of the facts of life. This is why we could not pass by Shargunov's book and the film of the same name, dedicated to the turning points of the early 1990s, in which a new, capitalist Russia was born. What is the connection between the life and ideology of the author and his figurative perception of those events? Why does a work of art reflect an era more broadly and multifacetedly, even contrary to the author's own wishes? We tried to answer these and other questions in the proposed video review. Read also the Lenin Crew review of Sergei Shargunov's book: https://lenincrew.com/shargunov-1993/ ⁂ Our website https://lenincrew.com ⁂ Lenin Crew in: VK https://vk.com/lenin_crew Telegram https://t.me/lenin_crew ⁂ You can help by donating to the card: 4276 4900 4508 7345 #lenincrew #marxism #LC_Culture #art #shargunov #1993 #film_1993 #blackoctober #yeltsin #nineties