Evangelist Park Yo-han, who lives a life praising God as part of the CCM male duet 'Person of Blessing', says that he was born to an unwed mother several years ago and spent his childhood wandering while being raised by adoptive parents. Meet the testimony of Evangelist Park Yo-han, who overflowed with God’s grace during his time as a child who spent his time wandering, in “Renew Us Classic” #ParkYo-han #ParkYo-hanTestimony #John’sConfession #RenewUs CBS TV Renew Us (SD) 〈December 2013 Broadcast│Renew Us Evangelist Park Yo-han Edition〉 Rewatch CBS content on the application ‘CBS Manna’ ☞ http://appradio.cbs.co.kr/app/manna.asp ✨Your prayers and support are a great help in creating gracious content✨ For support inquiries, call 02-2650-7004 Support https://bit.ly/36aFPHr Easy support https://bit.ly/2ZidAFa CBS will strive to create a broadcast that testifies to the existence of God. We ask for your continued interest and love in broadcasting missions.