#Yuzhanin #Anapa #MazutInAnapa #AnapaVolunteers DON'T LOSE YUZHANIN! SUBSCRIBE! ‼️ TELEGRAM https://t.me/yuganin23 ‼️ VK https://vk.com/yuganin ‼️ ZEN https://dzen.ru/yuganin Hello, friends! We planned a completely different issue about Anapa: bright, beautiful, New Year's. But force majeure forced us to adjust our plans and in the end, this is my take on the situation that happened to the resort town. Volunteer group https://t.me/+kkxH8Z8y35ZmZDYy I would like to say right away that the situation with the cleaning of fuel oil is changing every day. And for the better. What we saw has already been removed, but the cleaning work will continue for more than one week. Thank you for watching! For your likes and subscriptions????