Alex Spohr leads three daring adventurers through his adventure from the Emperor Raul Convent and into the Gorish Desert and Anchopal, where the heroes search for dangers from the past. Players: Philipp Neitzel Steff Tannert Johannes Kaub You can order the deluxe hero sheets here: https://www.f-shop.de/SwpFindologic/s... Niobara's Legacy, the adventure whose cover we use here: https://www.f-shop.de/rollenspiele/da... If you like the video, leave a like and subscribe to our channel. Also visit us at www.ulisses-spiele.de Facebook: / ulisses.spiele Instagram: / ulissesspiele Twitter: / ulissesspiele You can find our crowdfunding here: https://www.ulisses-crowdfunding.de/c...