Negro Álvarez Wanted (1990) 01- Presentation. 02- Sacristan Tango Singer. 03- Fireman of Bell Ville. 04- Shoe Wholesaler. 05- Nickname. 06- Motorcyclist on the Highway. 07- Let the Bull Throw It. 08- Black Man Buying Gloves. 09- Relationship. 10- Black Man Chupua. 11- Robbing in the Church BuyRhapsody Sign in to Rate!. 12- New Boyfriend. 13- Story of La Mona Jiminez. 14- Story of the Boxer. 15- Chapau in Church. 16- Guest. 17- Disillusioned Woman. 18- Very Ugly Lady. 19- Kisses of Fire. 20- Riddle. 21- Story of Gallegos. 22- Bus Line. 23- North American pianist. 24- Nickname 2. 25- Wine Beautifies. 26- Marriage Proposal. 27- Riddle 2. 28- The Kiosk Burned Down. 29- Chicken Face.