HISTORY IN LEGEND: written documentary sources Having obtained permission from their grandfather Numitor, Romulus and Remus left Alba Longa and went to the banks of the Tiber to found a new city in the places where they had grown up. « Since they were twins and respect for primogeniture could not function as an elective criterion, it was up to the gods who protected those places to indicate, through auspices, who they had chosen to give the name to the new city and who should reign there after the foundation. Thus, to interpret the auspicious signs, Romulus chose the Palatine and Remus the Aventine. The first omen, six vultures, is said to have fallen to Remus. Since double the number had appeared to Romulus by the time the omen had been announced, the respective groups had proclaimed both kings at the same time. Some claimed to have the right to power based on priority in time, others based on the number of birds seen. An argument ensued and from the angry verbal clash it turned to bloodshed: Remus, struck in the melee, fell to the ground. The more well-known version is that Remus, to mock his brother, climbed over the newly erected walls [more likely the pomerium, the sacred furrow] and then Romulus, in a fit of rage, killed him, adding these words of defiance: "So, from now on, may anyone who dares climb over my walls die." In this way Romulus took power alone and the newly founded city took the name of its founder. » (Livy, I, 6-7 – Ad Urbe Condita)