omg you have to go to odoo huh → https://www.odoo.com/r/yiN My zinzito site → https://kcaddict.odoo.com Well I FINALLY managed to get this video out, right now I really have 0 time lol but today a short documentary on my favorite OverWatch personality and OK the title is a bit clickbait but I don't care I'm preparing some big stuff for the summer there are some VERY big videos planned but I won't say more, you'll see for yourself email: [email protected] twitter: / poly_heartt ___________________________________________________________________________ Just the bosses here: Minia s/o: https://bento.me/allways1300 Video produced by Archi Prod Thanks to Neugze, Hedge, warlock, Yorozu and Geekosaurus for the editing And especially a big thank you and congratulations to Enravota for the writing ___________________________________________________________________________ Sources: youtube + liquipedia basically ___________________________________________________________________________ #storytelling #drama #documentary #overwatch2 #overwatch #esports #esport