Les Grosses Têtes TF1 May 1993. From @aurelienfleuryinfosvideos: On the occasion of Philippe Bouvard's retirement, Paris Première will offer an evening dedicated to the host of Les Grosses Têtes on Saturday, January 11 from 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. The Thousand and One Lives of Philippe Bouvard. This documentary traces the story of Philippe Bouvard, a sacred monster of television, radio and journalism. A look back at the great moments that shaped 60 years of career, such as "Les grosses têtes" or "Le petit théâtre de Bouvard", and at the prominent figures of show business and politics who surrounded him, such as Alain Delon, Nicolas Sarkozy or Mimie Mathy. By mixing archives and testimonies, discover the man behind the public figure, his career and his passions for politics and culture. 10:20 p.m. Les Grosses Têtes Special Philippe Bouvard This issue retraces the 35 years during which Philippe Bouvard and his members made the whole of France laugh every day on RTL. Quotes, puns, guests of honor, all the iconic moments are brought together to bring back to life the best sequences of the show!