For many, the issue of obtaining PR in Canada is very acute, everyone has their own reasons for this. In this video, we figured out how to get PR in Canada using one of the programs presented in the province of Alberta. By the way, the website we used for the video is here https://www.alberta.ca ???????? Links to our contacts: Our Telegram???? https://t.me/weincan Instagram Artem - / papa_mirona Instagram Valya - / valentina_sapegina More about Mikhail Golichenko http://golichenko.com https://golichenko-immigration.taplin... You can ask a question and sign up for a consultation by email at [email protected] 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:51 How emigration and the process work when a citizen of another country is already in Canada or a citizen is on his way to Canada to obtain a residence permit 00:03:26 Alberta Province Website 00:09:06 Do the provincial program interact with the federal one? 00:10:46 What is a federal program? Are they a separate cell from the provincial ones? 00:12:34 If you are already in Alberta, is there no point in looking at federal programs? 00:18:56 Alberta Opportunity Stream program 00:21:22 People who have arrived, what do they need to do now? What do they need to focus on? 00:24:06 You don’t need to change your open work to closed work now. You just need to get a job and work for 12 months 00:25:33 CUAET program for refugees? 00:30:21 Zero starting point for participation in the Occupation requirements program 00:37:02 If you work for an American company while living in Alberta, will such a contract fall under the Occupation requirements? 00:38:31 What kind of work does your employer offer you? 00:47:49 Language requirements in Alberta 00:58:06 About business immigration to Alberta