From USA arrival date information & BerBerJin webstore information here⬇️ / BerBerJin ch An explanation of how to wash and starch vintage denim video here⬇️ / vdaf-501xx This video mainly focuses on an explanation of vintage used clothing by Fujiwara Yutaka, manager of the vintage shop "BerBerJin" in Harajuku, Tokyo. For inquiries about buying, consignment, etc., please contact us here: 03-3401-4666 Fujiwara Yutaka Height: 177cm Weight: 72kg Slightly stocky build, sloping shoulders Berberjin webstore http://webstore.berberjin.com/ Berberjin official Instagram https://www.instagram.com/berberjin_h... FAKEα Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fakealpha/?... Berberjin Yuhodo Instagram https://www.instagram.com/berberjin_y... Fujiwara Yutaka Instagram / yuttan1977 Vintage denim advisor Instagram / v_d_a_y_f Berberjin Promenade Store YouTube Channel / @berberjinyuhodo #501xx #vintagedenim #Harajuku