It would be my ambition to force the souls to travel by bicycle. Discovering the world is fantastic, doing it while earning every meter is invaluable. After twenty years of trials, errors, accidents and tragicomic unforeseen events, I have put together a bicycle that, for me, borders on perfection. Capable of carrying all the equipment imaginable without ruining the pleasure of stomping on the pedals while hundreds of kilometers pass by each day. Below are the links to learn more about the technical characteristics of each part mentioned in the video: -Bike https://www.locomotivecycles.com/scot... -Fork https://www.columbus1919.com/it/portf... -Handlebar https://surlybikes.com/parts/moloko_bar -Stem https://redshiftsports.com/products/s... -Saddle https://www.brooksengland.com/en_eu/c... -Derailleur https://www.bike24.it/prodotti/382890... -Sprocket set https://www.bike24.it/prodotti/744547... -Pedals https://bike.shimano.com/it-IT/produc... -Brake lever https://bike.shimano.com/it-IT/produc... -Rims https://damilcomponents.com/prodotto/... -Hub https://damilcomponents.com/prodotto/... -Tires https://www.vittoria.com/it/it/copert...