The Incredible Points of Exu and Pombagira Played, Sung and Recorded Live in a Gir by Curimba Luz de Aruanda are a true celebration of the Umbanda tradition. TU Caboclo Estrela Guia and Exu Tranca Rua das Almas In this video, you will be able to experience the energy and spirituality of the Terreiro de Umbanda Caboclo Estrela Guia and Exu Tranca Rua das Almas, located in the city of Praia Grande, Av. Guido Mangioca, 670, Maracanã Neighborhood. Each point is interpreted with devotion and respect, providing a deep connection with the spiritual entities. This video is a unique opportunity for those who wish to learn more about Umbanda and the importance of the points sung and played in its ceremonies. Don't miss this chance to be moved and learn more about this rich tradition! Leave your Like and Subscribe! #Exu #Pombagira #Umbanda #Curimba #LuzdeAruanda #CabocloEstrelaGuia #TrancaRuadasAlmas #PontosCantados #PraiaGrande #Spirituality