Break into the new Lineage 2 Essence servers - https://4ga.me/lineage2essence_BULDZHAT VK group: https://vk.com/buldzhat Croatian studio Croteam was able to make my childhood with just one Serious Sam and almost kill it with the second. Love for the games of this studio prompted me to make BULZHAT and immerse myself in the gaming industry, but Croteam gives me a heart attack every time! Sometimes they are silent for five years and it seems that they died, then they embark on unusual experiments, which are unclear how to treat, then they make controversial decisions in relation to their flagship - Serious Sam / Cool Sam. The fourth coming of this same Sam made me nervous: too many promises, too ugly trailers. It is understandable that I made a pre-order, but the excitement did not subside in any way, what if they screw up. And Croteam made Serious Sam 4.... but now you'll find out if there's anything to do on the stone fields. #buldzhat' #sam #serioussam #serious #review #opinion