After all, what is the best programming language and framework to study? We welcomed @Akitando to talk about this topic that is so discussed among devs in the technology market. ▶ Check out his opinion and that of our CEO, Paulo Silveira, in this video from the Hipsters.tube Webseries. #programming #technology #dev ???????? Learn more about Programming at our school: https://www.alura.com.br/escola-progr... ➡ Did you like the content? Also watch: ▶ How can I learn to program? • How can I learn to program? #Hip... ▶ Myths about programming: • 4 myths about programming #HipstersP... ▶ Do I need to go to college to work with programming? • I need to go to college to work... ???? Subscribe to the Newsletter with Immersion, learning and Technology content from Alura, with emails from our CEO: https://www.alura.com.br/imersao ???? Follow our content for Devs and Techers: Instagram: / aluraonline Facebook: / aluracursosonline ???? Hipsters.Tech Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2p0Vx75...