See the new channel: Kabarety+ / @kabaretyplus DVD on Allegro https://allegro.pl/uzytkownik/allegro... New Abra TV / newabratv The Best Of Waldemar Malicki & Filharmonia Dowcipu - Episode 1 1. There is the power – here is the talent 10', 2012 2. Habanera from the opera Carmen 7', 2012 3. Belle 4', 2012 4. The orchestra doesn't like me 6', 2012 5. Wind instruments show 6'30, 2012 6. Mozart and Gummy Bear 6', 2012 7. How to do it 6', 2012 "CABARET SZAŁ!" is a unique compilation of Polish cabarets. In 45-minute episodes you will see the most popular Polish cabarets in their best sketches and songs. The presented video materials come from original DVDs released in the years 2006-2015. Among the performers we will see: Ani Mru-Mru, Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju, Kabaret Młodych Panów, Kabaret Smile, Kabaret Łowcy.B, Kabaret Jurki, Kabaret Ciach, Kabaret DNO, Kabaret OT.TO, Grupa MoCarta, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Ireneusz Krosny, Artur Andrus, Waldemar Malicki and many others. We invite you to watch and wish you a lot of smiles!