Ice-Games video game store: https://icegames.store/?erid=LjN8K9iwL ●VK group: https://vk.com/buldzhat ●The Greatest Discord: / discord ●Telegram: https://t.me/buldj They are with you again! In the fresh and long-awaited MMO-stories of players, you will find out who is the most important lore expert in Final Fantasy 14, how long it will take to paint the journal green in Oldschool Runescape, why you should not cross the boundaries on the Fallout 76 rp servers and how in EVE Online they managed to hijack an entire corporation for 22,000 dollars. Don't forget to turn on all notifications, subscribe to the channel and put plates of food on them! After all, Buljat is with you and we are starting! 00:00 - Glorbo in World of Warcraft 1:43 - Ice Games 3:02 - Deciphering MMOs / FF14 6:49 - Green Journal Quest / Runescape 10:48 - Roleplaying Evil / Fallout 76 15:19 - Voting for Stealing / EVE Online 19:43 - And this...