October calls for a Halloween reading vibe, so I brought you a top 10 scariest books (or the ones that most attacked my anxiety lol) support the channel and get access to exclusive rewards and our book club: https://www.catarse.me/lucasbarros cuponomia (cashback and discounts on over 2,000 sites): https://www.cuponomia.com.br/ref/c849... méliuz (cashback R$19.90 on any book on Amazon): https://www.meliuz.com.br/premium-lin... associated links: americanas: https://tidd.ly/377s1yA submarino: https://tidd.ly/37SxXMu my wishlist: https://www.amazon.com.br/hz/wishlist... my instagram: / lucasbarrosd my tiktok: / lucasbarrosd my twitter: / lucasbarrosd_ my skoob: https://www.skoob.com.br/usuario/7027819 my letterboxd (movies): https://letterboxd.com/lucasbarrosd/ my spotify (playlists): https://open.spotify.com/user/1216452... for commercial purposes and other contacts: [email protected] frequently asked questions: frequently asked questions: I was born in 2001 (09/13) I study social communication I am from Pernambuco (and I live here) I live alone :) subscriber count: 59,212