In this video I show you how to paint flowers for beginners using a double-loaded brushstroke with paint and sparkles. Follow this technique step by step. We will use acrylic paint and nylon filament brushes. Become a member of this channel to enjoy the benefits: / @miguelrincónartista Would you like to support this educational channel with a contribution? Here's my account number. Name: Miguel Rincón Hernández Bank: Banamex 5204 1657 7745 52 90 I sincerely appreciate your support through super chat and super stickers. If you like this video, I invite you to subscribe to my channel. Remember to click on the bell so that you receive notifications every time I upload a video or do a Live broadcast. Also click LIKE, share and comment below the video, your support is very important for this channel. YouTube: Estudio Miguel Rincón #creativity #flowers #ideas #tips #diy #paintingwithMiguelRincon #FloresconMiguelRincon #onestrokepainting #decorativepainting #freeclasses #brushes #color #ideas #crafts #hobby #onestrokepaint #strokes #folkart #news #multiload #brushstrokes #freehandbrushstroke #creativity #handpainted #easypaint