SUPPORT THE CHANNEL AND RECEIVE EXCLUSIVE MATERIAL: https://www.mercadopago.com.ar/subscr... Contact: [email protected] Instagram: @pablosabarotz I invite you to SUBSCRIBE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT LA ISLA DE MAR CHIQUITA COMPLEX: Whatsapp 2236023744 ig @laislademarchiquita ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have always been interested in visiting coastal towns and I was particularly interested in going out of season. Today I confirm that my wish came true in this video and it was a success that makes me happy. The province of Buenos Aires offers great and diverse attractions that do not always have the recognition they deserve. Mar Chiquita is a small town on the Atlantic coast whose natural environment offers an experience that few places can match. The Atlantic coast of Argentina is also diverse and in this little corner we find, in addition to spectacular beaches, a very rare ecosystem in the whole world, it is the albufera. This albufera is a large body of water that is connected to the sea and, in addition to this influence, it also receives fresh water from continental rivers, which transforms this environment into one of the most spectacular, unique and biodiverse in our province and even within our country. To continue adding attractions, its population has an important environmental awareness and this is reflected in the sustainable school of Mar Chiquita, whose construction is unique in the whole country. For all these reasons and more, I can tell you that Mar Chiquita is the best destination on the Atlantic coast that I fell in love with and I would return a thousand times more. Will you join me to discover this little corner of our coasts?