English: Price: $778,800-$888,800 MXN (45,310-51,710 USD) Script and presentation by: / gabosalazar21 Recording and editing by: / rec.angelo What did you think of this car? 00:00 Intro 01:04 Exterior design 02:34 Interior 07:31 Rear seats 09:07 Cargo area 09:59 Handling 13:00 Price and Versions 13:22 RWD Mechanics 14:01 AWD Mechanics 14:26 Consumption 14:36 Safety 15:00 Competition 16:02 Things that could be improved 16:45 The only problem 17:50 Rating 19:42 Farewell Thanks for watching our videos! ???????? We invite you to visit our website and our social networks to find out about the latest news in the automotive industry → https://linktr.ee/autodinamico