Get my Annual ONLINE COURSE Plan: http://isamaraamanciocursosonline.com.br THE MEASURING CUP HAS 210ML INGREDIENTS: 1 cup (tea) of fine cornmeal 140g 1 cup (tea) of wheat flour 135g 1 cup (tea) of sugar 185g 2 eggs (100g) 2 level tablespoons of unsalted butter 25g 1 level tablespoon of baking powder 14g 1/4 cup (tea) of milk 50ml Guava paste (optional) HOW TO MAKE - Follow the step by step in the video. Thank you very much! Check out more tips, recipes and ONLINE COURSES on the website: http://www.isamaraamancio.com.br Contact for partnerships: [email protected] Instagram: / isamaraamancio #broademilho #isamaraamancio