The Best Books of All Time #1 Book reviews and book tips from the book professional Favorite books from novels to thrillers @Buchprofi2025 Book tips from the book professional - In the video series -The Best Books of All Time - you can get inspiration for your next reading marathon through extremely short and non-spoiler book reviews. The books are divided into the following genres: novel, thriller, bloody thriller, crime, novel set in World War II, historical novel, science fiction, fantasy, comedy/romance, biography, world literature, guidebook, non-fiction and specialist book. Only books that stand out and are absolutely worth reading are presented. There are also comments on flops. With over 2500 books read, extensive knowledge, variety and quality are guaranteed. Maximum review time per book 40 seconds. The Best Books of All Time #1 - book recommendation, book tips fiction from the book professional Quotation rights - Image source: Own books