Verdun: Hardly any other place represents the senselessness of war as much as this small French town. In the Battle of Verdun in 1916, hundreds of thousands of soldiers fell in the First World War, on both the German and French sides. Poison gas, flamethrowers and endless amounts of explosives were used to bring the enemy to their knees at Verdun. But the soldiers paid for every advance from their own trenches with enormous losses. In this video, Mirko explains how the Battle of Verdun went, what effects it had on the war and how it later even became a symbol of German-French friendship. Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:17 How did the battle come about? 03:19 How did the battle go? 06:25 What did the battle change? 08:15 The “legacy” of Verdun Video recommendations: • The Vichy regime: The Nazi collaboration... • First World War I facts and course... Literature: https://www.dhm.de/lemo/kapitel/erste... https://memorial-verdun.fr/de/ https://www.bundestag.de/resource/blo... Olaf Jessen, Verdun 1916, 2014 Jörn Leonhard, Pandora's Box, 2014 Herfried Münkler, The Great War, 2013 Matti Münch, Verdun, 2005 Bernd Ulrich and Benjamin Ziemann (eds.), Everyday life at the front in World War I, 2008 Further links: Feel free to visit Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrwissen2go... We belong to #terraX and #funk Be sure to check it out: Terra X: https://terra-x.zdf.de/#xtor=CS3-158 Terra X on YouTube: / @terraxhistory funk: https://www.funk.net/ funk on Youtube: / funkofficial Web-App: https://go.funk.net A production of objektiv media GmbH for Terra X and funk: Moderation: Mirko Drotschmann Author: Matthias Schöberl Producer: Andreas Sommer Production assistant: Daniela Ssymank Editor (OM): Tilo Bernhardt, Inga Haupt Motion Design: Christian Wischnewski Editing: Christian Wischnewski ZDF: Kai Jostmeier, Johanna Kaack