Song for the Baptism of the Lord composed by Father Edgar Larrea, it can be a communion song. Download the lyrics here: http://almamisas.com/bautismo-del-sen... THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! #cantoparamisa #catholic ______________________________________________________________________ - Follow me on Facebook: / almamisas -Follow me on Instagram: / almamisas Join my channel on TELEGRAM to receive the publications directly https://t.me/almamisas -FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK and join with my code https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJvDQ1sq/ Do you want to support this channel? Here I share with you several ways how you can help me reach more ears and support my work. 1. LISTEN AND SHARE MY SONGS FROM YOUTUBE, AND IF YOU USE THEM FOR YOUR LIVE BROADCASTS, MENTION MY CHANNEL. 2. Make a voluntary contribution through Paypal: https://paypal.me/AlmaRRivera 3. Make a voluntary contribution on Patreon: /almamisas 4. Schedule private singing or guitar lessons with me. ([email protected]) 5. Bookings for masses, interviews or concerts ([email protected]) 6. Subscribe to my other YouTube channel, look for me as Rox Rivera I THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! _____________________________________________________________________________ RECORDING EQUIPMENT: Audio interface: https://amzn.to/2YxYfSY Microphone: https://amzn.to/3F7jFWy Guitar: @taylorguitars https://amzn.to/3bXQetF https://amzn.to/3c0Dp1M ______________________________________________________________________________ Baptism of the Lord Father Edgar Larrea Sol Re Mim He came from Galilee Sim Do to the waters of the Jordan River, Sol he went among the people Lam Re in pursuit of John's baptism; Sol Re Mim when he came out of the waters Sim Do suddenly the sky opened Sol and the Holy Spirit Lam Re Do descended like a dove–o Re And from heaven was heard Sim Mim the voice of the Father saying: Do Re “This is my beloved Son Sol Re my chosen one”. Sol Re OH JESUS, CHOSEN SERVANT Mim Sim IN THE WATERS OF THE JORDAN Do Sol THE SPIRIT HAS ANOINTED YOU La7 Re FOR YOUR MISSION OF LOVE. Sol Re OH JESUS, CHOSEN SERVANT Mim Sim IN THE WATERS OF THE JORDAN Do Sol YOU REVEAL TO US THE MYSTERY Lam Re Sol OF THE HOLY TRINITY. Sol Re Mim As We went down that river Sim Do You took upon Yourself our history, Sol You became sin Lam Re for us to rise again; Sol Re Mim You sanctify the water Sim Do where children of God are born Sol And the Holy Spirit Lam Re Do makes us a new creation. Re And to us too Sim Mim the voice of the Father tells us: Do Re “This is my beloved Son Sol Do Re my chosen one”. OH JESUS CHOSEN SERVANT… Mi La My Glory to the Father in heaven, Fa#m Do#m Glory to the Son Savior, Re La Glory to the Holy Spirit, Si7 My Glory to God Eternal Love. Mi La My Glory to the Father in heaven, Fa#m Do#m Glory to the Son Savior, Re La Glory to the Holy Spirit, Sim Mi Re La Glory to God Eternal Love.