The Aunt from Forlì - Children's Songs The Friends of Marmò Listen to The Friends of Marmò: https://lnk.to/GliamicidiMarmo_ Illustration: Gianfranco Fuoco Follow The World of Marmò on: Instagram / ilmondodimarmo TikTok / ilmondodimarmo Facebook / ilmondodimarmo Text: I have an aunt, an aunt who lives in Forlì Who when she goes to dance with her hands does like this Like this, like this, with her hands does like this Like this, like this, with her hands does like this I have an aunt, an aunt who lives in Forlì Who when she goes to dance with her foot does like this Like this, like this, with her feet does like this Like this, like this, with her feet does like this I have an aunt, an aunt who lives in Forlì Who when she goes to dance with her hips does like this Like this, like this, with her hips does like this Like this, like this, with her hips does like this I have an aunt, an aunt who lives in Forlì Who when she goes to dance with her head does like this Like this, like this, with her head does like this I have an aunt, an aunt who lives in Forlì Who when she goes to dance with her knee does like this, like this, with her knee does like this Like this, like this, with her knee does like this Great, have you memorized the sequence? With the hands With the feet With the hips With the head And with the knee Now let's repeat them all in a row! I have an aunt, an aunt who lives in Forlì Who when she goes dancing with her hands does like this So-so, with her hands does like this So-so, with her hands does like this So, so, with her feet does like this So, so, with her feet does like this So, so, with her hips does like this So, so, with her hips does like this So, so, with her head does like this So, so, with her knee does like this So, so, with her knee does like this Well done, you've learned really well! Now let's try one more time! Are you all ready? Faster and faster! I have an aunt, an aunt who lives in Forlì Who when she goes dancing with her hands she goes like this So-so, with her hands she goes like this So-so, with her hands she goes like this So, so, with her feet she goes like this So, so, with her hips she goes like this So, so, with her head she goes like this So, so, with her knee she goes like this #LaziadiForlì #ilmondodimarmò #canzoniperbambini