House with an attic or a two-story house. Attic or a full floor, which is more profitable. Pros and cons of building an attic. =================================== Support the channel Sberbank card 4817 7601 6424 2699 Become a sponsor / @builder_ilya ===================================== All questions you are interested in, as well as the cost of the project - you can find out here: VK group https://vk.com/club88459721 I am on VK https://vk.com/id5733317 Mail [email protected] One-story or two-story house • How many floors should a house have. House made of aerated concrete for 500 thousand rubles • House made of aerated concrete for 500 thousand rubles... Brick cladding • Construction. Facing of aerated concrete with brick... How to make a gas boiler room • Do-it-yourself warm floor. Heating in... A brick house is reliable and practical. Brickwork has a long service life and an excellent appearance. Brick walls must be insulated, otherwise heating will be very expensive. A house made of aerated concrete is modern and practical. Build a house of aerated concrete yourself and save on construction - is this not a solution to the problem of expensive housing. Frame houses are the cheapest option. With the right approach to construction technology, you can assemble a frame house yourself. Insulation of a frame house is generally a separate big topic. All materials for construction are good if used for their intended purpose. Brick - load-bearing walls. Aerated concrete - warm stone. Wood is a natural and organic material. Foam plastic and extruded polystyrene foam are very good materials, they should not be used only in walls. Full compliance with construction technology and proper organization of construction work is the key to successful and high-quality work. #attic #brickhouse #two-storyhouse #aeratedconcrete #framehouses #wallinsulation #hollowbrick #whattobuildfrom #construction #onestory #howtochooseahouse #howtobuildahouse #whichhouseisbetter