Does Pieter Omtzigt prefer a right-wing cabinet? And why is he so hesitant about becoming prime minister? In Rondje 53, Xander, Marleen and Gerri review the campaign news of the past week. #omtzigt #nsc #tweedekamer #verkiezingen #politiek #rondjebinnenhof #nos #nieuws NOS is the largest news organization in the Netherlands. ► ABOUT NOS: As a public broadcaster, we are responsible for a broad news provision that is reliable and independent. You can find us on radio and television with the NOS Journaal, on NOS.nl, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. ► FOLLOW US HERE: https://www.nos.nl Instagram: / nos Twitter: / nos Facebook: / nos Download NOS for iOS: http://apple.co/1JObNaK Download NOS for Android: http://bit.ly/2d4GJN7