In this video lesson, we will see what the atmosphere is, the outermost layer of planet Earth. Its composition allows life on Earth as we know it. Our atmosphere is divided into five layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere. And each layer has unique characteristics. Come with me to learn many more. Exclusive classes for elementary school 2. Hey guys, how are you? The Ciência Educa channel is committed to teaching content related to the subject of science for elementary school I and II, with video lessons, experiments, tips, and diagrams, always facilitating your understanding. Activity link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zEjW... Come say hi! Channel link: / ciência educa - prof. josé laguna Instagram link: / cienciaeducajose Facebook link: / cienciaseducajose Twitter link: / educajose TikTok link: / cienciaeducajose ________________________________________________________________________________________ #ciencias #videoaula #atmosfera #camadasdaterra #troposfera #estratosfera #mesosfera #termosfera #exosfera #fundamenta2 #ensinofundamental #sextoano #6ano #6°ano #aulaonline