Pain in the knee can severely limit the quality of life. But how does joint wear and tear occur and what treatment options are available? These questions are the focus of the patient academy on the topic "The artificial knee joint - when is it necessary?" Dr. Frank Horst (Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, St. Josef-Stift Sendenhorst) explains the cause and diagnosis of osteoarthritis in the knee and explains the treatment options, from conservative therapies to surgical options such as joint-preserving operations and artificial joint replacements. An important reason for deciding on an operation is the personally perceived limitation of quality of life. The patient himself decides when the time has come for surgical treatment. Dr. Matthias Boschin, chief physician of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, provides information on aspects of effective pain treatment before and after an operation. Therapy director Dr. Heike Horst talks about the options for follow-up rehabilitation in the rehabilitation center at St. Josef-Stift. She introduces the reference therapist concept and the importance of strength, endurance and coordination training in order to be able to quickly cope with everyday life independently again. Visit us online: www.st-josef-stift.de www.instagram.com/stjosefstift www.facebook.com/St.Josef.Stift www.linkedin.de/company/stjosefstift