Shigeru Fujimoto, 87, is a day trader known as the "Japanese Buffett." After working as a pet shop employee and managing a mahjong parlor, he became a full-time investor and has now built up assets of 2 billion yen. How does Fujimoto assess the market and what criteria does he use to make buying and selling decisions? On the day when the stock price closed at the 38,000 yen level for the first time in 34 years, we followed him closely to find out about his "Fujimoto-style investment techniques." In addition to his experience, we saw a master who constantly thinks while placing importance on indicators. (Wake Up broadcast on February 17th, 2024) #Yomiuri TV #Wake Up #Yomiuri TV News #Nakatani Shinobu #Nomura Shuya #Yamamoto Takaya #Adachi Natsuyasu #Fujimoto Shigeru #87-year-old investor #day trader #RSI #first time in 34 years #38,000 yen range #Kumano Hideo #weak yen #4th largest GDP #Germany #wage increase #spring labor offensive #New NISA #Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry #labor shortage #defensive wage increases ▼Feature videos, in-depth commentary, and the latest news delivered daily Please subscribe to our channel! / @ytv_news ▼Yomiuri TV News Department social media TikTok / ytvnews X (formerly Twitter) / news_ytv ▼Yomiuri TV News https://www.ytv.co.jp/press/ ▼Wake Up X (formerly Twitter) / ytvwakeup Website https://www.ytv.co.jp/wakeup/ ▼Information Live Miyaneya https://www.ytv.co.jp/miyaneya/ ▼Kansai Information Network ten. Facebook / ytvten Instagram / ytv.ten X (formerly Twitter) / ytvnewsten Website https://www.ytv.co.jp/ten/ ▼Submit information here: "Submission Box" https://www.ytv.co.jp/toukou_box/